70 gazillion guns? Zombies? Aliens? Mad Max parodies? A horde mode? Pfft. That’s only basically every idea in videogaming.
And for Gearbox, that’s just not enough.
After releasing Madd Moxxi’s Underdome riot, Gearbox sort of went off the grid. Combined with the rapid-fire pacing of the rapidly firing shooter’s first three DLC releases, that caused some to worry perhaps the promise of more Borderlands content was simply too good to be true.
To doubters in the audience, however, Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford tweeted the following:
“I get a LOT of questions about more DLC for Borderlands. Yes, more is coming! T2 already said so! Let’s talk soon.”
So no, Borderlands isn’t a done deal just yet. And based on Pitchford’s winks and nods, and the recent resurrection of General Knoxx’s Twitter account, we’re willing to bet that Gearbox is gearing up to blow the lid off something new in the near future. Which is nice, because we’ve played through the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned so many times that we’re beginning to think Dr. Ned might just be Dr. Zed in a brilliantly conceived disguise.
No, no – that’s just crazy.
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