Ron Gilbert, who recently departed HotHead Games, has told Eurogamer DeathSpank was a game he was “born to make”.
Speaking with the site, Gilbert said the game’s conception began five years ago, but became “real” about two years back.
“I was born to make DeathSpank. Actually, the character DeathSpank started out as a little comic character that a friend of mine, Clayton Kauzlaric, and I created for my website,” he said.
“We needed this videogame character who is completely ridiculous and over the top. So we created this guy named DeathSpank. We did a couple of cartoons about him, and then he really started taking on a life of his own in some ways.
“We just said, ‘You know what? He really needs his own game.’ That’s when I sat down and started designing the game and thinking about that marriage between the adventure game and the RPG game. That’s where the game came from”.
During the wide-ranging interview, Gilbert also said he wasn’t overly fond of 3D, mainly because of the glasses, and the tech would not become mainstream until TV manufacturers found a way to get rid of the spectacles.
“I didn’t see the 3DS [at E3], so I can’t tell you about that specifically,” he said. “I know that I hate 3D movies. I find them disturbing. Although I did see a demo of somebody playing World of Warcraft in 3D, which I thought was pretty cool. So I don’t know. I haven’t had enough experience with it and the games to really know.
“I do know wearing a pair of glasses as you play a game is going to be a big problem. Maybe, down the road, when TVs can do 3D without glasses and all of those things, I think that’s when you might see it become popular.
“But I think wearing the glasses is always going to be a problem.”
DeathSpank, which is not in 3D, will be available on July 13 and 14 for PSN and XBL, respectively, and its coming to [Redacted] as well.
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