Plants vs. Zombies vs. cryptic images: PvZ 2 details on the way?

By Nathan Grayson


Plants vs. Zombies, presumably the most popular piece of media ever about one incredibly fertile patch of soil’s bid to end the zombie apocalypse, could be getting ready to sprout a sequel, if an image released by PopCap is any indication.

As you can see, it depicts a zombie hand asking that we pencil it in for August 2. To which we reply: it’s good to see that the Left 4 Dead mascot hand managed to find work during a down year.

You’ll also notice the “S.F.” bit, presumably a reference to San Francisco, California. Our best guess? Either PvZ 2’s packing its seed bags and moving to a lawn somewhere in San Francisco – which would have almost no bearing on what the game looks or plays like – or an unveiling event’s taking place in good ol’ San Fran.

Granted, this could also be some kind of big bash for PvZ’s rumored retail console release. But isn’t it against the law to raise expectations so high that when you drop them, they experience atmospheric reentry unless a countdown clock is somehow involved?

Thanks, PC Gamer.
