The Wall Street Journal’s reporting Activision Blizzard budgeted StarCraft II at over $100 million.
Without citing a source for this grand figure, the article goes on to quote analysts who expect Blizzard and Activision Blizzard to turn a profit on the game, expecting sales to total several million this year worldwide.
The game costs $60, which means it would only need to sell 1.7M units to surpass the supposed $100M budget, and this figure doesn’t include the future revenue earned from Korea and other SCII subscription markets.
Blizzard President Mike Morhaime told WSJ it hopes to pull some of its World of Warcraft fans into the game.
“We’ve brought in a lot of new players in the Beta testing who’ve been playing World of Warcraft but have never tried Starcraft,” he said.
The first Starcraft has been one of the best-selling titles for PC, having moved more than 11 million units since its first released 12-years ago.
StarCraft II is out July 27, and those ordering it digitally can download the game client now. Check to see if your Commodore 64 can run the game here.
We’ll contact Blizzard and see if it can confirm or deny this massive number.
Thanks, BigDownload.
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