What The F**k is Fushigi?

C.J. Arabia

Lately we have all seen the commercials for Fushigi... 



Is it the next ShamWow? 



How about, the ShamWhatIsIt?

The Fushigi is a fancy new "dynamically designed" ball that is used in the "mysterious art of contact juggling." What? You heard me! This shiznit is dynamic and mysterious! You are creating the illusion that the Fushigi ball is moving on its own or floating/hovering or whatever. Like a magical hacky sack type thing. It's basically a $20 ball.



The makers of the ball claim that it's a "therapueutic form of relaxation." I know a lot of guys who find playing with balls to be very theraputic and relaxing.



I'm hypnotized by the bad elevator rave style music, and the guy that they get to demonstrate their magically nerdy product. What is up with this guys ponytail?



I have the feeling that if you're into Harry Potter, like to play Magic the Gathering and shy with the ladies... this is the product for you.



I think that the proper use of the Fushigi is as an ice breaker. I mean if you're out in public or at a party playing with one of these, people are gonna ask you what the heck you're doing. People might even ask you if you're a magician or a mime or David Bowie in Labyrinth...



It just opens the doors of conversation, and that could come in handy at a party or if you're looking to meet members of the opposite sex.



Don't get me wrong. Nobody is going to be into a jobless Fushigi nerd... so don't waste your time or your $20 bucks... but if you're charming and have a job, it just gives you one more stupid thing to talk about.

You could act cool and tell them how it's this silly toy that you got off an infomercial, but that it's kinda fun and easy, and show them how to do it themselves, and then ShamWow! you've got a date.



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