Giant Bus Drives Over Cars In China

C.J. Arabia

China is the worlds largest producer of greenhouse gasses and the biggest energy consumer in the entire world. They emit more greenhouse gases and use more energy than even the United States.

Now c'mon America, we're slacking off here... I know that if we try real hard we can be back up at being the #1 ecological polluter in the world! USA!



Needless to say this is one title the Chinese aren't really looking to keep. So the nation of China has resorted to some pretty immaginative ways to solve the problem, like this GINORMOUS bus that straddles the lanes, driving right over traffic to it's destination.



Are you kidding me? That looks friggin' awesome! It's their way of relieving congestion without having to widen all the roads. Pretty smart if you ask me.


The front and back of the buses will emit ultrasonic waves to keep large trucks and cars, too tall to pass under the bus, from entering the "tunnel" under the bus. Large vehicles will set off a blairing alarm to warn the driver not to pass under. I can't wait to hear what this thing sounds like. I hope it sounds like an ibex.



These "Straddling busses" will easily fit under all the city overpasses. Each cab will carry about 300 passengers and up to 1,400 passengers can fit in one bus, reducing traffic and crowds by up to 30%. Forget China, we need these in Los Angeles and driving down the mean streets of Manhattan.



What's next for the world of transportation?



An Airbus? Oh wait, too late.



An "Electric Unicycle" that technically has two wheels... already been invented.



Sky transportation? Personal rapid transit machines? Yep, that's also in the works. Just about the only thing they haven't come up with is a flying car... or have they?


Check Out The Amazing Flying Car!
