Google Earth Captures A Dead Body?!


Do you ever use Google Earth Street View to take a look at your house, even though you LIVE in your house and you know what your house looks like, you just want to see your house on the internet? A few people in England were doing that, and they happened upon what looked like a dead body.



So they did the sensible thing. Fearing that the had chanced upon a murder scene... they contacted Google. 

When I fear I’ve chanced on a murder scene, I too go straight to Google - where I Google “POLICE.” (Sometimes I also Google “police + nudes” out of force of habit.)

Turns out no one was dead on the street, it was just a “prank” by a little girl. She was playing outside, tripped, and thought it would be “funny” to just lay there for a while. Right then the Google car drove by, and captured her “prank.” That is what fun looks like in England.



Also, they don’t celebrate the 4th of July. It basically sucks over there.

But dead bodies aren’t the only shocking images possible on Google Street View. Here’s a handy guide of what to do for different shocking Google Street View images.


Post-It Notes On Car

Should you contact Google? NO

Who should be contacted: No one.

Status: Prank


Friendly Bigfoot

Should you contact Google? NO

Who should be contacted: “The Enquirer.” A team of scientists who will lock him in a lab and probe him for the rest of his miserable life.

Status: Prank


Marching Band

Should you contact Google? NO

Who should be contacted: Nobody, this is a parade folks! Sit back and enjoy.

Status: Prank! (And a good one at that)


Zombie Emerging From His Grave

Should you contact Google? NO

Who should be contacted: Military

Status: Braaaaains.


Doc Brown From “Back to the Future”

Should you contact Google? NO

Who should have been contacted: Not the Libyans.

Status: Seems legit.


Unicorn Killed By Truck

Should you contact Google? NO

Who should be contacted: Animal control. Hungry hillbilly wizards.  

Status: End to childhood dreams of magic.


Giant Chicken

Should you contact Google? NO

Who should be contacted: KFC.

Status: Prank! Sculpture called "Attention Chicken!" placed in man's front yard.


The Dark Lord Beelzebub Causing Car Accidents in Arizona

Should you contact Google? NO

Who should be contacted: The Vatican, Progressive Insurance.

Status: Apocalypse.


Check Out Ian is Bored Episode 17: Chatroulette Prank Extravaganza!
