Gran Turismo 5 upsets Siena

By Joe Anderson


The Consortium for the Protection of the Palio has warned Sony its unhappy about the use of its new karting track in Gran Turismo 5, which is based around the Piazza del Campo.

Piazza del Campo is a historic public space in Tuscany, Italy, which is used to host the Palio di Siena, a horse race held twice each year on July 2 and August 16 in which ten horses and riders, bareback and dressed in the appropriate colours, represent ten of the seventeen or city wards.

As you can see in the video below, the track and flags are represents in high detail.

Anna Carli, CEO of the Consortium for the Protection of the Palio, suggested there will be a diplomatic request to SCEI to resolve the situation, possibly by removing the offending items.

She also adds if this move does not suffice, they may ask lawyers to seize the release of Gran Turismo 5 until such time it is.

“You can not use images of Contrade, in this case the flags, without authorization. Given the relevance of the game with no history and references to our party, in particular with the use of images of flags of the contrade, we would not authorize use.”

Hopefully this will all blow over and Gran Turimso 5 will still be released on time, we’d hate to see another delay.

Gran Turismo 5 is due to release on November 2 in the US and November 3 in the UK.

