id’s Hollenshead: 3D TVs are “fucking expensive”

By Patrick Garratt


FPS’s poster boy, id boss Todd Hollenshead, has failed to mince words on his opinions of 3D.

Speaking to Eurogamer, the muscly developer criticised pretty much everything about the tech, from the cost of equipment to the fact 3D glasses make his nose hurt.

“Maybe we’re getting to the point where the people who have been pushing 3D, or are pushing 3D now, have figured out a way to make it cool and not so nerdy that nobody wants to do it,” he said.

“My most recent, ‘OK, this is really cool’ experience with 3D was with the movie Avatar, which everybody has seen. Even then, I was a little annoyed that I had to wear these glasses for two hours in a movie. My nose hurt by the end of it.

“I know the stuff in your living room is different. You can get higher quality glasses that fit. But you still gotta sit in your living room wearing these glasses. And then if you’re playing games and move your head then it can get out of phase, which is a major issue.

“And, also, the TVs are fucking expensive. Is there enough content to justify?”

3D schmeedy

Hollenshead isn’t the only one that thinks a 3D push is a little early in terms of equipment being expensive.

Xbox production boss Aaron Greenberg told us at E3 that high costs lead to “narrow” markets.

“The experiences may be fun, but the more expensive it gets, we know the more narrow the market opportunity becomes,” he said in June.

“Technologically we’re ready and capable and demonstrating that, but we’ll wait for the market to respond.

Sony’s unperturbed, though. The platform holder showed off Motorstorm: Apocalypse in its press conference at gamescom last week, and we saw GT5’s 3D photo mode in a private session the following day.

Sounds like you’ve still got Big Todd to convince, PS3. Don’t try too hard, though; he’ll start bench-pressing you.
