Some footage from Sony’s Gamescom conference has hit the net, showing how Killzone 3 works with PlayStation Move.
In the video, you can see how Guerrilla has managed to implement motion control into the game, with aiming looking fairly simple to work thanks to a reticle which follows your movement on the screen.
The developer doesn’t seem to have taken things over the top, either. Throwing grenades, for example, has you pressing L1 and throwing the grenade where you want it to land by using the Move.
It all looks pretty simple to use, and from the video, seems quite intuitive.
Although, only once you get your hands on it will you know if it’s for you.
Finally, the developer also mentions in the video you will be able to carry two guns this time around, as well as your pistol.
Thanks, Spartannuke (via PushSquare).
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