Ubisoft’s Alain Corre has told GI he doesn’t expect Kinect and Move to extend the lifespan of either 360 or PS3, saying that the motion tech will only bring a short-term boost to the market.
Instead, Corre – the publisher’s European managing director – said next year’s big success will be 3DS.
When asked if both hardware would extend the current hardware cycle by at least another two years, he said: “I don’t think so, no.”
He added: “Yes, it’s a good extension of the lifecycle for a certain length of time and it’s also a good way to capture some consumers they didn’t have on the casual side, because Microsoft’s 360 and Sony’s PlayStation 3 do not have the casual customers. So it will bring in a new category of customer for them.”
Corre’s comments clash with those made recently by 360 Euro boss Chris Lewis, who said Xbox 360 will be offered for another five years, thanks in part to Kinect.
The Ubi exec reckons both MS and Sony are already hard at work on new hardware.
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