Motorstorm: Apocalypse inspired by “a number of West Coast cities,” says Evolution

By Johnny Cullen


So, Motorstorm: Apocalypse is set in San Fran, right? Wrong. It’s “inspired” by it. That and other West Coast cities.

“We’ve been influenced by a number of West Coast cities,” Evolution’s Paul Rutschynsky told VG247 at gamescom last week.

“Whetever it’s LA, San Francisco, it’s like our own fictional West Coast metropolis event. It’s based upon a number of American cities.

Realism was a no-no from a freedom perspective, Rutschynsky said.

“We didn’t actually want to have a real city because we felt it would restrict us. We didn’t [want to] have to have this series of roads or have to have these landmarks here – we can create our own landmarks and then destroy them and do whatever we want with them.

“It basically allows us to create the best tracks this way. Can you imagine trying to create a track where you jump through skyscrapers in a real city? It’d be impossible,” he said.

Rutschynsky also confirmed to us there will be 40 tracks in total in the game.

Motorstorm: Apocalypse releases early next year for PS3.
