Gabe Newell has said if a movie is ever made based on Half-Life, Valve will be the ones to do it.
Otherwise, it’ll never happen.
Speaking with PC Gamer, Newell said Valve has been approached in the past by folks wanting to creat a movie of the series, but the developer turned all offers down, as it feels it is the only entity which can do the series justice.
“As a WoW player, I would much rather that the WoW team made the movie, right? Than anybody else. I like Sam Raimi, I’ve been a fan ever since Evil Dead came out, but I would rather see Blizzard making the movie,” said Newell.
“We think that customers are like, ‘OK, we’re kind of sick and tired of the way you guys are slicing and dicing the experience of being a fan of Harry Potter, or Half-Life, or The Incredibles, and you need to fix it.’ And the people that fix it will be rewarded, and the people that don’t will be on the rubbish heap of history, or whatever the phrase is.
“Where we got into this direction was after Half-Life 1 had shipped. There was a whole bunch of meetings with people from Hollywood. Directors down there wanted to make a Half-Life movie and stuff, so they’d bring in a writer or some talent agency would bring in writers, and they would pitch us on their story. And their stories were just so bad. I mean, brutally, the worst. Not understanding what made the game a good game, or what made the property an interesting thing for people to be a fan of.
“That’s when we started saying: ‘Wow, the best thing we could ever do is to just not do this as a movie, or we’d have to make it ourselves.’And I was like, ‘Make it ourselves? Well that’s impossible.’ But the Team Fortress 2 thing, the Meet The Team shorts, is us trying to explore that.”
Thank you, Gabe. That’s great news indeed. Leave Alyx and Gordon alone, Hollywood. The man has spoken.
You can read the full interview with Newell in the latest issue of PC Gamer, set to hit stands September 1.
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