Paris Hilton Arrested for Cocaine? Say it Isn't So!

Lisa Roth

In a move that shocked the world, Paris Hilton was arrested Friday night for possession of cocaine. Ok fine, it didn't shock the world, just the crazy people that actually believe she's not one of them, i.e. a crazy.


According to, "Hilton and her boyfriend, Cy Waits, were arrested a little before midnight (Friday) night. Waits was booked on charges of DUI, while Hilton was busted for possession of a controlled substance ... cocaine." Get this... she went to pull out some chap stick out of her purse, and a baggie of cocaine fell out with it... right in front of the cops.


This is Paris's third mugshot. She's 29 years old. She looks fantastic if you ask me. However, this isn't the first time... She's really had time to perfect the art of the mugshot.

According to Huffington Post, "She was first arrested in 2006, then pleaded no contest in 2007 to alcohol-related reckless driving and went to jail."


Paris wasn't the only one photographed mugshot style that night. This is her boyfriend Cy's mugshot. He looks like a dreamy catch, right? You can really tell a lot about a guy by his mugshot. says this is how it all went down: Paris and Cy were on their way to Cy's house in Henderson, Nevada, "when they were pulled over by police outside the Wynn after a suspicious odor (reportedly marijuana) was detected emanating from the vehicle. Paris was arrested after a small amount of cocaine was found in her purse, which she claims was not hers. She was released three hours later."


This is what it's gonna look like if Paris ends up being sent back to jail. "Waaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I want my mommy!!!!" Maybe you shouldn't have had COCAINE in your purse then, considering it's ILLEGAL. Oh wait, of course she claimed the old celeb standard, "it wasn't mine." Ok Paris, sure.


And if you believe that the purse and the cocaine didn't really belong to Paris, then you might believe that she actually ate this burger, and you should probably consider yourself one of the crazies too.


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