Looks like the UK’s not ready to ride the 3D TV gravy train. Far from it, actually.
According to a survey from YouGov for Deloitte (via GI), only 2 percent of those surveyed in the UK – that’s 89 people out of 4199 questioned – are considering a 3D TV purchase.
The 25-34 demographic was most interested in getting one, while those over 45 were least impressed.
Japan was surveyed on the subject recently, with only just over 30 percent of those questioned considering a buy.
The UK news comes as the three games hardware holders maintain very different stances on 3D: Nintendo is getting ready to launch a 3D version of DS next year, with launch details coming at the end of next month.
The device will enable you to play 3D games without the need for glasses.
Microsoft, meanwhile, maintained earlier this week that 3D won’t be mainstream in homes for at least another two-three years, with MS’s Aaron Greenberg questioning “consumer demand” for the tech.
“The question is whether or not the consumer demand is there,” he told VG247 at E3 in June.
“We’re not a consumer electronics company that’s trying to sell 3D TVs, so we have the benefit of waiting until the market responds. We’re going to take probably more of a pull than a push approach.”
As for Sony, it’s taking up a massive 3D push with PS3, showing some of its games in 3D at gamescom last week, including Motorstorm Apocalypse.
But SCE WWS 3D boss Mick Hocking wasn’t going to be drawn on if any future PSP iterations would support 3D, like 3DS.
“Our focus at the moment is really on living room-based, big-screen TV, because we think that’s the most imersive 3D experience you can have,” he told us in Cologne last week.
“In the future, we may look at other ways of doing it, but at the moment, that’s certainly our focus: the high-quality entertainment on your TV.”
Hocking added that glassless 3D TVs are a long way out and very hard and difficult to develop, despite Toshiba announcing earlier this week it was doing just that.
THQ also had a glassless 3DTV on show for its games at E3.
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