Take-Two loses case over BioShock URL

By Johnny Cullen


Take Two has lost its case in gaining control of a BioShock URL against a domain squatting firm.

Name Administration Media had accquired the domain “BioShock.com” after the game was unofficially announced, according to GI, but before 2K had published it as a trademark.

NA Media said the domain had other terms for it, such as a cosmetic line-up from company Johnson and Johnson on the same name, but unrelated to the game, also pointing out that Take-Two wasn’t affiliated with BioShock at the time of its unofficial announcement.

The publisher argued NA had already registered some of its domains, such as taketwointeractive.com, which it gained control of soon after.

The domain “BioShock2.com” is under a similar situation, but it’s already been confirmed by Irrational Games that “BioShockInfinite.com” is safe.

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