The Last Story: Official website updated with details and screens

By Stephany Nunneley

The Last Story

Nintendo has updated official site for Mistwalker’s The Last Story with some gorgeous in-game screens and some character renders.

We’ve pulled and posted ’em for you below.

Below, you’ll see shots of:

  • Ruri Island, which is on the last continent in existence in the Gulf, which is a place full of resources and prosperity.
  • The City of Ruri, a base for the game’s hero Elsa. It’s bustling with trade and according to the site it’s “filled with avenues, squares, and streets that are heavily detailed”.
  • Mercenaries from the mainland, one of which is our hero Elsa, who was hired to kill monsters and the like. Mercenaries take on jobs no one else will, and are under the service of the Imperial Knights. Else one day hopes to be a knight himself.
  • The battle system, which has the player using the Wii Remote to pull off two different features. One is called The Gathering, which attracts enemies and strategically pulls them into your desired area for better battle options. The other is called the Pointer, which allows you to draw a “line” and designate enemies as the “pointer”. This way, you know which member of your team is being targeted and are able to use it to your advantage.
  • Characters Elsa, Kanan, Quark, Seiren, and Yuris.
  • Elsa’s first mission is also shown, and in it our hero is  in a cave where a mysterious force  gives him powers. He is unsure what this new power is, but he is dead set on finding out and the site hints at his “fate”, meaning it will play a larger part in the game’s story.

It’s all sounding rather awesome, in our humble opinion.

Head on over to the game’s official site for the full bit.

Still no date. Please give us one Nintendo. Thanks.
