Treyarch confirms modding for Black Ops

By Patrick Garratt


While PC modders were completely locked out of Modern Warfare 2, Treyarch’s confirmed modding tools will be available for Black Ops, no doubt to the delight of many.

“We plan to open the game up for modding sometime post-launch,” said a Treyarch staffer on the game’s forum.

“We do not know yet to what extent you will be able to mod the game. There are some purely technical issues related to engine and internal tool enhancements that do not easily fit the modtools paradigm.

“We have looked at it close enough to see that it is non-trivial and we will have to pick it up again post-launch. Right now we are completely focused on finishing the game.

“And, dev console: confirmed.”

The news will be welcomed in the PC community, which went flat-out nuts when Infinity Ward decided the PC version of Modern Warfare 2 wouldn’t include dedicated servers or modding.

Black Ops releases on November 9 for PC, 360 and PS3.
