THQ has announced UFC Undisputed 2010 is set to hit PSP on September 7.
In the PSP version, players can choose from over 100 fighters with enhanced combat as players “manage Octagon control with a variety of strikes, submissions, transitions, cage positions and more”.
In addition, there’s customizable freedom with “created fighters by combining move sets from numerous MMA disciplines to become true mixed martial artists”.
In Career Mode, players actions, choices and skills directly impact career progression, while an Ad-Hoc Mode allows PSP users to find others to grapple with.
UFC Undisputed 2010 for PSP also features Ultimate Fights Mode with more than 30 minutes of UFC footage, as well as Title Mode, Title Defense Mode and Tournament Mode.
“UFC Undisputed 2010 raised the bar for sports games earlier this year with an impressive feature set and unbeatable gameplay experience on high-definition console gaming platforms,” said Danny Bilson, core games EVP at THQ.
“We believe this franchise has the ability to flourish in a handheld format and look forward to delivering the game this fall for the PSP system.”
The Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game took the number 8 and 10 spots on the June NPD software charts, respectively.
Via press release.
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