Black Ops co-op mode still to be announced, says Treyarch

By Johnny Cullen


Think last night was it from Treyarch as far as multiplayer went? Wrong. It still has an ace.

The developer’s community manager Josh Olin has told Gamerzines it’s still to reveal a co-op mode.

While admitting there will be such a mode, he wouldn’t get into specifics as to what it would be.

“We haven’t revealed the co-op mode yet,” said Olin, speaking at gamescom.

“I confirmed that part of the Prestige and Hardened Edition copies of the game is the four World at War Zombies levels playable in Black Ops co-operatively, but that’s all we announced.”

He added: “As for what our actual co-op mode is that ships with the game, we’re not ready to reveal that just yet.”

While co-op wasn’t announced last night, several new modes, such as Wager, were.

Get our impressions from the multiplay blowout here.

Call of Duty: Black Ops releases on November 10.
