Capps: Epic bringing triple-A to iPhone

By Joe Anderson


Epic Games president Mike Capps has said the company is planning to bring triple-A games to iPhone.

Speaking in an interview with Gamasutra, Capps said rather than compete with big casual games, the company will be doing what it does best – high quality, triple-A games.

“It would not be smart to compete with the Bejeweleds and Angry Birds of the world on the iPhone,” he said

Capps said Epic would focus on what its proprietary tech will bring to Apple’s handheld.

“Everything’s supported,” he said. “The difference, of course, is that it’s not quite as powerful a graphics processor as on the Xbox 360, so you’ll probably do some custom content work, but you’re using the same tool chain of UnrealEd and Kismet and the same physics tools and everything.”

He added: “With the expansion of the Unreal Development Kit, we’ve got hundreds of thousands of folks who are messing around with the tools doing smaller projects, he adds. So we’re not really just about giant triple-A console games anymore. Those are the ones Mass Effect gets press, but there are lots of small hobby groups or casual gamers using Unreal Engine. I think it’s perfect for them. It’s what they’ve been missing.”

Capps rounded up by saying gaming experiences are not just about Gears, but “like Shadow Complex that we’ve done on other platforms, and bringing that kind of quality to the mobile devices.”

Epic recently announced Project Sword for iPhone, while also releasing an example of its Unreal Engine running on the device in Epic Citadel.

Thanks, PlayTM.
