Spector not opposed to an Epic Mickey sequel

By Stephany Nunneley


Warren Spector has said his studio, Junction Point, is interested in further exploring the story of Epic Mickey once the original game is released.

Speaking with ONM, Spector said he’s looking to possibly turn the game into a franchise and hopes a second round with the renowned mouse will be released sooner rather than later.

“I’ve been pretty upfront that I have no interest at all in doing something that’s just a one shot,” he said. “Certainly it has been conceived as something that could become a franchise because that’s all I’m interested in doing.

“Not because I want to build a brand and make a ton of money but because there are so many stories to tell. Whether that actually happens is way above my pay grade.”

However, Spector said he has no plans to do a game starring Donald Duck, at least in the Wasteland sitting.

“Ha! That would be a completely different game. I wouldn’t even want to do that as part of this Wasteland world we’ve created,” he said.

Epic Mickey releases on Wii sometime before the holidays, and may one day hit other platforms in the future. That’s the dream anyway.

Check out footage of the game from PAX here.

Via CVG.
