The Order Of The Cameri

Chris D.

Sorry that I broke into your car 11 times this year...

I am amazed by the fact that the 2000 Toyota Camry seems to have been only sold in one color and on any given day, the parking lot at my work is filled with no less than 8 of said Cameri (which is what I like to call it).

As I exit the front doors of my work every morning to take a break, I head for my car with the sun shining directly in my eyes. I usually can make out the color and the model of my car among all of the other cars but the sun is shining in such a way that it is hard to make out many other features.

What makes this whole process a bit more sticky is that we all have the same hubcaps, with no tint on our windows and all are sans bumper stickers.

So, I am here to sheepishly admit that I have opened or attempted to open all of your cars at least once... and simple math tells me that a few of you got a second go around.

I do not realize that I have approached the wrong car until it is too late. As I plop down into the drivers seat, I happen to notice that the personal effects in the car are not mine... but the fact that I have committed a class d felony doesn't sink in until I notice the seat is way too far forward and the mirrors are adjusted wrong.

You would think that the Hello Kitty air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror would clue me in.

One would think that the Fast and the Furious seat covers would cause me to pause.

Not even the Simply Red CD collection on the dash breaks my stride.  "If you dont know me by now," is one of my favorite songs and I will put it back in your/someones Camery as soon as I am done burning it.

I am sorry, I am embarrassed as noted by the fact that I removed my hubcaps to better identify my car. This works great! I can avoid staring into the sun and single out my car.

It works great until 3 other of you do the same thing.

I think that we need to start a club, The Order of the Cameri. We can swap stories and tell rakishly funny Toyota jokes if there are any.

I mostly just like the name, we don’t have to tell Camry stories.


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