14 Hilarious Halloween Gifs


People around this time of year seem to focus either on scary movies where people get killed with blades, or girls dressed up like skanky ghostbusters or sluttly carpenters. But there's MORE to Halloween. CANDY... and also, comedy.

Which is your favorite gif? Let is know in the comments!

You might have to wait a minute for these to load... but it's worth it.



Kermit Vs. Vincent Price


Satan LOVES Butter


Zombie Evolution




Killer Weasel


Jigglypuff DARES You To Fall Asleep




Zombies Ruin The Office Vibe


Best Pumpkin Smash EVER


Psycho (SFW Version)


Shake it, Boomer


Premature Pumpkin


Zombie Killin Like A Boss


Derp Bella


Click here for The 23 Best ween Ever!
