2K: BioShock 2 DLC Minerva’s Den and Protector Trials hitting PC after all

By Stephany Nunneley


2K has announced over on its official forums that PC users will end up getting BioShock 2 DLC after all.

Good news, that.

Originally, the DLC was axed for PC due to “timing and technical issues”. Not so anymore.

According to a post made by 2K’s Elizabeth Tobey, the development is “projecting” that the long awaited PC patch as well as Protector Trials will be ready for certification in December and will be released for free once it has passed.

“When we announced that Protector Trials and Minerva’s Den would not be coming out for the PC due to technical and timing issues, we received a lot of feedback (much of it understandably expressing disappointment and anger) about our decision,” wrote Tobey.

“In terms of the patch and the Protector Trials, we had a working build but there were bugs in the code that would trigger problems with the game during specific situations, and we were not happy enough with the status of the build to release it for certification with Microsoft. As time moved on, we could not resolve these issues to our standards and so could not release to cert. As with all games, however, the dev cycle must end and patches and updates must conclude so that the team can move on to other projects. We hit that deadline without the content being in a state we were satisfied with, so we did not release it.

“Over the past two weeks, we’ve decided to go back and finish the PC patch and Protector Trials. Currently, we are patching the final bugs in these two pieces of content and then will submit everything to certification. The cert process can take anywhere up to four weeks, but as we hit major milestones (passing cert or otherwise included) I’ll tell you guys. We are projecting that the patch and the Protector Trials will be ready to cert in December and I’m happy to announce that they will be available free to the community.

“When we stopped development on Minerva’s Den, it was not in a workable state and needed significantly more dev time to complete. As of now, we are not certain how much longer it would take to complete the project to our standards, but we have reallocated resources to work on completing the project so PC gamers can have this experience in Rapture along with 360 and PS3 owners.”

You can read the full post from Tobey through here.

Thanks, RPS.
