7 Things Worth Dying For

Chris D.

They may take our lives, but they'll never take our ___________! (Yes, "Freedom!" For those of you who didn't see the movie.)

I had a good day. The clerk at my local convenience store couldn't break a $100 bill, so my soda was free and later in the day my favorite movie was on the cable. Braveheart.

It got me thinking... while I dont prize my freedom too much there are a few things I would be willing to fight for, kill for, die for! Aside from the ubiquitous right to party, these are a few other things that I would lay my life down for.


1. My 30 Rock Box Set

I love, love everything about 30 Rock. The cast, the stories, the impeccable comedic timing and most of all the hope that there is a geeky single attractive nerd for me somewhere out there. I would certainly be willing to die for the prospect of true nerd love... and my 30 Rock Box Set.


2. Star Wars Feetsy Pajamas

I found a way to combine my love for Star Wars, with my love of quality sleepwear. Plus the sewn in feetsy things protect me from having monsters eat my toes at night. You can take my Star Wars feetsy pajamas when you pry them from my cold dead fingers.


3. That One Pair Of Dockers That Makes My Ass Look Good

We all have that 1 or 2 pieces of clothing that accentuates our bodies in a positive light. I am not a superficial person but one needs to accentuate the positive, and if sculpting my pant-hams does... so then so be it. Give me Dockers, or give me death.


4. My Dog

Lady Ducthess JoJo Bean is my 7 year old lab. To date she is my longest relationship. Mess with her, and I'll defend her like Russel Brand protects Katy Perry from the paparazzi.


5. The Interweb

Where else can you view Dutch clog porn, do your banking and buy penis enlargement pills all while listing to the soundtrack to Sixteen Candles. You may be nuttier than an elephant terd, but God bless you Al Gore and God bless the Interweb!


6. Diet Coke

I have very few vices. Aside from my crippling addiction to ghost porn, I count drinking massive amounts of Diet Coke. This is not a product placement. Soda is horrible for you. Don't drink soda... but if you DO drink soda, Diet Coke is the one worth dying for!


7. The $1 Menu

This one is a no brainer as 80% of my meals are handed to me through a window. Every fast food establishment has a $1 menu. Also, I hear the McRibb is coming back, and when it does, I'll put my life on the line to enjoy one of these delicious McRibb sandwiches for exactly one dollar. No more, no less.

What would you consider dying for?


Check Out The Celeb Ancestors That Helped Fight For Our Freedom!
