Agent 47 VO outs “gob smacking” Hitman 5

By Johnny Cullen



David Bateson, the voice-actor who plays Agent 47 in the Hitman series, has outed the fifth game in the series.

Bateson mentioned the game on two occasions in an interview with TheGamingLiberty.

I have to plead the 5th Amendment on this one. I am under contract not to say anything. There have been delays. However, like I said earlier, if the artwork is anything to go by… brace yourself!”

He added: “In all the years of Hitman, I have been overwhelmingly gratified and humbled by the sheer dedication to the Hitman franchise that the fans have expressed.

“For all the kind things that have been said, I am truly thankful. That kind of dedication and appreciation of the game deserves repayment… with an even more gob smacking instalment in Hitman 5. I don’t envy IO Interactive for the pressure they must under to deliver.

“I am utterly convinced they will!”

It’s been thought the game has been in development for a while, thanks to some marketing posters. Turned out they did “not represent any new Hitman game,” publisher Square told VG247.

The posters did show a 2011 date, which was further backed up by a Eurogamer report. Christmas 2011, to be exact.

We’ll give Square Enix a buzz on Monday.
