The only person that should be scared of a splash of water is the wicked witch of the west.
A man wearing a scream mask came into a store pointing a gun and demanding money from the clerk and the clerk wasn't even Sidney Prescott.
The clerk working at the time thought it was a gag that his friend was playing on him so he didn't take it seriously. I don't know what kind of friends this guy has but apparently they're not right in the head.
Anyway, since this clerk thought it was a friend (which it wasn't) he decided to jokingly spray him with water from a sink hose he had been using to clean trays with.
When this burglar was hit with the water he screamed and ran for his life. He must have been afraid of water or something.
Or maybe the water was really hot? I mean, to send him running and screaming like that... he must have thought it was some sort of acid... did he think he had been maced? I bet he feels like a world class dumby bummy at this point.
I just can't believe this clerk saw a gun in his face and was like "haha this must be a joke." If someone ever points a gun in your face you should try and take the situation as serious as possible, and then I guess just splash them with water.
This burglar got away, so if anyone has seen this guy from scream walking around tell the police but you know what to do if yo want to see him scream like a little girl.
I have an unusual fear of the garbage disposal so I can relate to being afraid of water. I might run if you turned on a garbage disposal wihout warning. Do you have any unsual fears of things?
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