Hi-Rez Studios looking for Tribes Universe alpha testers

By Stephany Nunneley


Hi-Rez Studios is looking for a few good alpha testers for its Tribes Universe MMOFPS.

Originally, the alpha test was restricted to “level 50 Global Agenda players”, according to what the studio’s CEO and lead designer Erez Goren told Massively.

Looks like it’s relented a bit, because if you click here, you can sign up. Those with the most experience in testing will be preferred over others.

“Because the game will be focused around huge battles on huge landscapes, we need a solid group of very dedicated testers that can help us from the game’s earliest stages to validate the scalability and performance of the game, while also helping tune and refine gameplay,” said executive producer Stewart Chisam regarding the alpha.

Testing is slated to being in early 2011.
