Kinect: There “won’t be a correlation” between game reviews and sales, says Greenberg

By Stephany Nunneley

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Aaron Greenberg is a confident man. So confident, he believes Kinect will sell more units at launch than the Wii did.

He is also so confident in Kinect, he doesn’t think reviews of games created for it will affect sales of the device or the games created for it in any way.

Speaking with Eurogamer, Greenberg said due to the different experiences and genres of Kinect’s offerings, he doesn’t think there will be a “correlation between reviews and actual sales.

“For us, these are different types of titles and experiences than maybe some of the games traditionally that are targeted to the core market,” he said. “So the correlation between a review score for Halo: Reach and sales is very high, but Kinect Sports is more about just having fun.

“I don’t know how reviewers will grade those games because they’re so unique and so different to what the reviewers have played with controllers. We’d love to see great reviews but I don’t think you’ll see the same type of correlation between reviews and actual sales of the game, would be my guess.”

So, basically, Microsoft would love great reviews, but sales won’t be dependent on high review scores. Got it.

We’d attend a class on confidence taught by Greenberg any day of the week. You know, sort of like Tony Robbins, only without the scary teeth.

Kinect is out next week in the US and November 10 in Europe.
