Kingmaker: Lionhead releases trailer for Fable III’s mobile phone game

By Stephany Nunneley

Fable 3 Kingmaker

Lionhead has released a trailer for its Fable III mobile phone game, Kingmaker.

It doesn’t really say or show much. Just a guy walking down the street with phone in hand, and some special effects zooming about before he makes a trip to the videogame store and then to his apartment.

At the end of the trailer, it says: “Take Sides. Take Land. Take the Gold.” – before flashing the address of the teaser site.

It’s for Europe only. Sorry, North America. Stay content with Foursquare.

Fable III is out next month on Xbox 360, and you can check out the liveblog of Peter Molynuex’s Fable III session from the Eurogamer Expo here, along with the new Fable III trailer and Molyneux’s intro to the panel here.

Thanks, Prof.Dr.Moertel.
