Next week on Rock Band: STP and Jimmy Eat World

By Stephany Nunneley


Harmonix has announced Jimmy Eat World and Stone Temple Pilots tracks are coming to the Rock Band Store next week.

Here’s what’s going to be available:

  • Stone Temple Pilots: Big Empty, Crackerman, Creep, Dead and Bloated, Huckleberry Crumble, Trippin’ on a Hole in a Paper Heart
  • Jimmy Eat World: Bleed American, My Best Theory, Pain

The STP pack will run you $9.99/€7.99/£4.99/800 MSP, and the Jimmy Eat World pack for $5.49/£2.49/€3.99/440 MSP.

Individual tracks will run you $1.99/£.99/€1.49/160 MSP/200 Wii Points.
