“PC will always be the place that drives innovation”, says Levine

By Stephany Nunneley


Irrational’s Ken Levine has said if you want to know what the future of gaming holds, buy a PC.

Writing as guest editor on Kotaku for its PC Gaming Week feature, Levine posts his belief that “all great game developer are born” on PC.

“What’s the future of the PC? Social games? MMOs? Freemium? Fuck if I know. But I know this: The PC will always be the place that drives innovation,” wrote Levine. “The PC is the place where great game developers are born, even—and maybe especially—where great console game developers are born.

“Halo, Mass Effect, Call of Duty…PC developers first. And it’s on the PC where the leading-edge ideas form, primarily because the barrier of entry is low.”

Levine says ideas are born on PC much easier than consoles because there are “no middle men, no marketers, and no naysayers”.

“If you want to know the future of gaming, buy a PC, he said. “And pay attention. Because above all, that thing on your desk is a crystal ball.”

Levine’s next game on the docket is, of course, BioShock Infinite, which is expected sometime in 2012. You can also check out some of the other concoctions he has come up with, but cast aside through here.

Yesterday, the guest writer on Kotaku was Zynga VP Mark Skaggs, who believes Zynga games lacking a “strong social component” in the future will be deemed “old fashioned”.
