The 8 Cheesiest Horror Movie Death Scenes


Horror movies are supposed to make you feel horror. I mean, it's in the name! But I guess scary is harder than it looks, because a lot of so called "horror" movies end up being funny instead. Like, for example, these movies...


Head Asplode!

In the movie Chopping Mall, people are chopped. In a mall. I think. I don't know exactly what happens, since I haven't seen it, but I do know that a robot chases a girl in her underwear and then her head explodes


No Vegetables, No Dessert!

Stephen King, the "master of horror," wrote this scene in the movie "Sleepwakers." Might be time to give up that title, dude...


Hurry Up, Giant Snake!

This is from SyFy channel movie about a giant snake. Does it really matter which one? What's important is that Mr. Miyagi get's bit by a snake and goes into a death scene. Or he could just be tripping on LSD. It's hard to tell...



This is from the movie Troll 2. Yes, some director somewhere asked that kid to act like that...


The Mutilator

This is from a movie called "The Mutilator," and this guy does in fact get mutilated, but why does it take so long?



From the movie "Silent Night Deadly Night," which I guess is a movie about not doing your chores.



This is from the 6th "Nightmare on Elm Street" movie, and is notable because Freddy decides kill one of his victims Nintendo style. Of course, there's a demonic Power Glove...


Terror Bear

Teddy bears are not normally considered evil or dangerous. But what if... they could turn into a REAL bear? Now are you scared? Still no? Yeah, me neither...


Basketball Death!

I'm pretty sure a human skull is stronger than a basketball, but I could be wrong. I mean, this basketball was thrown by a murderous hot-chick robot, so the normal rules don't apply. Which is your favorite death scene?


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