Top Cow clearing up rights issues for The Darkness 2

By Stephany Nunneley


“I got my first kiss down here. I was fifteen. Some hooker named Candy. She crossed her legs, broke my sunglasses. Good times.” – Jackie Estacado.

Oh Jackie, how we’ve missed you, and your short monologues during loading screens.

Hopefully, we’ll be able to hear more of these little nuggets of wisdom and humor sooner rather than later, because Top Cow is clearing up rights issues for a sequel.

“There are certain rights issues that we needed to clear up in order to move ahead with The Darkness 2,” Joystiq was told by a Top Cow sales and marketing director Atom! Freeman at NY Comic Con this morning.

“Those are getting cleared up. While there are no specific plans, it is definitely that is still on all of our minds.

“We loved the game. The fans loved the game. There’s no reason to not do another one. Just making sure that all of our ducks are in a row so that we can begin that process.”

We’ll continue to keep hope alive, then. Until then, we’ll have to get our fix by digging out our Accursed collections of it.
