5 Things That Cause Furious Nerd Rage

Chris D.

We all get upset. It is apart of life. The traffic jam, the guy in the 10 items or less line with 40 items, or the all-to-common telemarketers that call in the middle of dinner. Most people deal with these issues with a modicum of anger and just move on.

Then there is nerd rage. This type of anger might find oneself fuming over what might seem like a very trivial topic. There are a few things that will bring out my geeky Mr. Furious and this is one.


When updating to new version of Photoshop, I get a metric ass-loads of bloatware (those programs that install themselves on your computer). I just want to update, no I do not want to install the My Little Ponies browser toolbar.


Fragmented Hard Drives

Sir, you are paying me $50 per hour to remove viruses from your computer. The reason that your computer is running so slow is not because of viruses, it is that you have never de-fragmented your hard drive. Ever. We had the same conversation 6 months ago.


Stealing My Bandwidth

Oh woe to you, you ruddy-faced scallywag. You cod-bellied dandy! Actually I think my neighbors must have had a meeting and decided to stop hacking my Wi-Fi after I piggybacked their signal and loaded a folder called “Horse Porn” onto their computers.


The Guy at Starbucks That Wont Shut His Pie Hole

Yes sir, I do think the Internet is great. Yes, I was aware that you can make a fee blog. I thinks its awesome that you can order pizza online. Dude!? I just need to fire off a few emails. I am really jazzed to see your excitement about the Internet, but can you let me get a little work done.


Pop Up Ads

Pop-up ads are the worst. The ones that I hate the most are the ones that pop about 20 seconds after you enter a site. Sometimes I feel a if I am entering a haunted house... just waiting for that surprise. To the man that invented pop-ups, I wish to stab you with bullets.

What ignights your nerd rage?


Check Out When Nerds Attack!
