Smosh readers know that we love to bag on Justin Bieber... and for good reason. He's so perfect that he's easy to mock.
But where will he be in 20 years?
Our prediction: hosting "Where Are They Now?" on the TV Guide channel.
Where will other stars of today be tomorrow? Let's take a look...
1. Nicole Ritchie
After five divorces, Nicole will try to revive her “career” by creating a Facebook campaign to get herself a spread in Penthouse magazine. She’ll receive three votes.
2. Tom Cruise
After spending 10 years in a mental institution, Tom Cruise will marry Daniel Radcliffe and star in a made-for-Lifetime biopic about Alec Baldwin.
3. Britney Spears
Britney Spears will be bald. She’ll have had six kids, all by different husbands. We'll all still be impressed that she's doing so well considering her past.
4. Kevin Federline
After getting fired from his gig as a Rogaine spokesperson, Kevin Federline will be friendless and living in a half-way house in El Paso, Texas.
5. Lindsay Lohan
After starring in several "adult" films and spending a total of 11 years in rehab, Lindsay Lohan will have a recurring guest role as Screech’s grandmother on the UPN remake of the 80s sitcom Saved by the Bell.
6. Kanye West
After releasing his last album, Duets VII: Barbra Streisand & Kanye West Sing the Jonas Brothers... Kanye West will be teaching musical theater at a high school in Des Moines, Iowa.
7. Kim Kardashian
After divorcing Justin Bieber three times and posing in Hustler magazine, Kim will be the madam at the Best Little Whorehouse in Shreveport, Louisiana.
8. Ryan Seacrest
After his sex-change operation, Ryan Seacrest will be selling glass cat sculptures on QVC.
9. Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga will be performing nightly in a Madonna tribute show in Vegas.
10. Michael Jackson
In 19 years, scientists will have developed the technology to unfreeze Michael Jackson. Sadly, just a year later, he will be infected with a biological warfare serum that turns him into a zombie.
Where do you think you're gonna be in 20 years? Take a wild guess...
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