COD: Black Ops launch: Retail 360 Hardened Edition gets unboxed

By Johnny Cullen

blops skus

We’ve received our retail editions of Call of Duty: Black Ops as it gears up for launch tonight. One on PS3 and one on 360. Hit the jump for some unboxing sexiness.

The PS3 version is, obviously, nothing special – it’s just your standard edition of the game, manual and disc.

The 360 version we got, however, was the Hardened Edition. In that, you get a special tin casing, a special medal and codes for Avatar clothing as well as the four maps for the zombie mode from World at War, as promised.

The wallet-raping Prestige Edition, which will set you back £120, has all of the content in the Hardened Edition as well as a fully-functioning RC car.

We’ve got the full unboxing below. We’ve got near 15 minutes worth of off-screen footage from the first mission on PS3 coming up.

Get the lowdown on tonight’s Black Ops launch in London, the massive retail price-war currently ongoing and more here.
