Crytek: PC “easily a generation ahead” of PS3, 360

By Johnny Cullen


Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli has told Edge that PC is still “a generation ahead” of PS3 and 360 in terms of the quailty.

Speaking to the mag (via CVG), Yerli said, however, the focus of developers on PS3 and 360 is holding back the PC platform.

“As long as the current console generation exists and as long as we keep pushing the PC as well, the more difficult it will be to really get the benefit of both,” he said.

“PC is easily a generation ahead right now. With 360 and PS3, we believe the quality of the games beyond Crysis 2 and other CryEngine developments will be pretty much limited to what their creative expressions is, what the content is. You won’t be able to squeeze more juice from these rocks.

“I generally think it’s still developers’ mentality [to blame],” he added. “A lot nowadays don’t consider PC a big issue any more; their [sales] expectations are nowhere near what they are for the console versions. Until the PC market creates comparable revenues, companies are not going to spend enough on the PC SKU of a game.”

Crytek are currently developing Crysis 2 for PC, 360 and PS3 for a March release.

The German company is also creating 360 exclusive Codename Kingdom.
