Fourth annual Desert Bus for Hope kicks off, people marathon worst game of all time for charity

By Nathan Grayson


Want to see good people play a really, really bad game to help other good people?

Then take a gander at this.

The name of the game? Desert Bus. In a nutshell, it forces allows you to drive from Tuscon, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada at a max speed of 45 mph in real time. Actually, scratch the “in a nutshell” bit, because that’s literally all there is to it. There’s no traffic or varied scenery to speak of, and it takes roughly eight actual soul-sucking, beard-growing hours to complete. By the end, you are broken. You blink and all you can see is Desert Bus. Your dreams? Desert Bus. Just like that, your life becomes a nightmare from which you’ll never awake.

And for some reason, the folks over at LoadingReadyRun have taken it upon themselves to play this game indefinitely in 24-hour shifts. Meanwhile, you can drop a few pennies into these poor souls’ jar and they’ll donate it all to the Child’s Play charity. So long as you keep donating, they’ll keep playing. You’re basically funding torture, but it’s for a good cause!

There’s also a bit of a variety show thing going on to keep you entertained during the yawn-inducing proceedings. If you’d like to watch and/or donate, go here. So then, hop to it. Or don’t. You know, if you’re a terrible human being.
