A Japanese comedy show called Sanma Akashiya’s “Karakuri Terebi”, held a contest to find the craziest Harry Potter fan in all of Japan.
That's right. You're so rock.
10,000 of Japan’s biggest Harry Potter fans competed for a chance to travel to the England and visit the actual set of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Producers wanted to find the craziest, most obsessed fan out there, and found all of that and more in a young girl named Kana.
Kana was surprised with the opportunity to meet and interview the cast and the expressions on her face are absolutely priceless.
The best part of this first interview with Rupert Grint is her obsession with Rupert’s eyelashes - she touches them in complete and utter amazement. She also smells her fingers after touching his eyelashes and then starts sniffing him and forces him to giver her a piggy back ride.
You've got to watch these videos.
Here is her interview with Daniel Radcliffe... she has to touch him... can't believe he's real. This one is just hilarious.
It doesn't matter if you've seen them before... they never get old.
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