Lewie’s Weekly Deals – Mirror’s Edge PC for £5, BioShock 2 for £6.30

By LewieP


Happy Monday. Here’s another compilation of fantastic deals on cheap games. This week it’s mostly excellent discounts on stuff you might have missed first time round, and one item I’m sure is going to be in demand this Christmas. For updates on what games are being discounted at all times, make sure to check Savygamer.co.uk.

This week’s deals are after the break.

Prince Of Persia Trilogy: HD Collection, PS3 – £21.54 delivered (using a coupon from here)

You can see 10 minutes of the HD version of Sands of Time here on Youtube. It looks like Sands of Time, but in HD. It’s a shame that these only run in 720p. I think I’d be tempted to just play the PC versions if I was going to revisit this classic trilogy. The main problems with the PC versions are that they don’t all have native widescreen support, and the controller support is a bit of a faff. Sands of time is probably my favourite of the three, and The Two Thrones is a worthy follow up, if a little patchy. I’ve never been able to complete Warrior Within: savegame bugs and apathy got in the way.

Skate 3, Xbox 360/PS3 – £9.48 delivered: apply coupon “i41” to get this price

The first Skate was enough for me. I never really aimed for completion; I was happy enough to just skate around the really nice-looking city, and occasionally dip my toe in some of the challenges. The demo of Skate 3 had a worrying flashback to when THPS started to lose it’s way. It made me jump a 40ft drop, flail around in the air, and get more points for the more bone damage I caused my skater. Jackass isn’t cool: skating is cool. Metacritic page here.

The Sims 3, Wii – £19.48 delivered: apply coupon “i41” to get this price

I can’t find a single review of this version of The Sims 3 anywhere, except for this French language one from gameblog.fr, which I sadly don’t understand. Can anyone provide any impressions?

Mirror’s Edge, PC – £4.99: apply coupon “i41” to get this price

This is easily one of my favourite games of the last few years. Its faults are forgiveable because it’s so bold. Moving pictures are worth tens of thousands of words, so just look at this video. It’s got moments of frustration, and it can be very demanding of your gaming skills, but when it gets it right, Mirror’s Edge is unmatched in delivering an exhilarating immersive experience of something like freerunning. Metacritic page here.
You can also get the Super Mario Galaxy map pack for £2.49, which you really should: the levels ar beautiful, and deliciously challenging.

Deal of the week

Bioshock 2, Xbox 360/PS3 – £6.30 delivered

Ex-rental, but in near-perfect condition. I’ve only just got around to playing this. I’m maybe three hours in, and definitely enjoying myself, but not anywhere near as much as the first. So far, the only hugely meaningful improvement from the original is that the hacking is much faster. You get a slidey bar which you have to stop on the right colour, and it’s often done in a second or two. All the other changes I’ve noticed so far are just refinements, or changes for change’s sake. I’m not sure where the narrative is going yet, but I’m eager to find out.

Also of note:
F1 2010, PC – £14.96 (Apply coupon “savemore”)
CODBLOPS, PC – £29.96 (Apply coupon “savemore”)
Medal of Honor, PC – £14.99 (Apply coupon “i41”)
Mass Effect 2, PC – £9.99 (Apply coupon “i41”)
Final Fantasy XIII, PS3 – £10.44 delivered
The Saboteur, PS3 – £7.50 delivered

Remember to keep your eye’s on SavyGamer.co.uk for gaming discounts throughout the week, and you can hassle me on twitter if there’s ever a specific game you’re after for cheap.
