Bilson: inSANE trilogy will take 8-10 years to complete

By Nathan Grayson


Wow, that’s just absolutely… what’s the word we’re looking for? Wild, over-the-top, batty, bizarre, mad, loony? No, no.

It’s on the tip of our tongues.

“This is an epic project. It’s going to take the next eight to ten years to build all three chapters of this game,” THQ core games VP Danny Bilson told StuffWeLike.

Del Toro then added that the first game’s only been in development for roughly six months, which goes quite a ways toward explaining that 2013 release date.

On the upside, del Toro once again demonstrated that he’s committed to learning the craft of game development – as opposed to shoving a movie concept’s square peg through videogaming’s round hole.

“I think that what people need to understand, when you come from a medium like movies, is that the narrative medium of videogames is entirely different,” he said.

“The rules are different, the way you tell the story is different. You don’t come into this world and try to apply the same rules. I’m here to learn and try some crazy shit.”

You might even call it… mentally deranged? Not of sound mind? Cuckoo? Sorry, folks, we just seem to be blanking on this word right now.

Thanks, Eurogamer.
