Capcom pins down Dead Rising: Case West for December 27

By Nathan Grayson

case west

The presents are all unwrapped. The leftovers are in the fridge. The extended family’s finally dispersed, its crusade on your happiness complete until next year. It’s a couple nights after Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature is stirring – not even a mouse. Finally.

You know what you need? Some highly improvised zombie murder.

Capcom’s sent over word that Dead Rising 2: Case West is dropping on December 27 for 800 Microsoft Points.

The downloadable episode will feature an appearance by – who else – original Dead Rising star Frank West, as well as cameos from other Dead Rising characters. (Yes, apparently that game had characters other than 55,000 zombies and one incredibly terrifying clown.) Also, the camera’s back after being sorely missed in Dead Rising 2’s vanilla edition.

After all, if a picture’s worth a thousand words, what’s a picture of a thousand zombies worth? Yep: just enough experience points to unlock an awesome jump-kick attack. Profound stuff, that.
