Remember the Ender’s Game title Chair said it was working on back in January 2008? It isn’t any more.
Chair Entertainment co-founder Donald Mustard told Joystiq: “We have and had an amazing design for the Ender’s Game game, but one of [parent company] Epic’s primary objectives is to create original and unique franchises. I don’t know that Ender’s Game fits into that strategic objective anymore.”
Just in case that wasn’t clear enough: will it be finished?
“Probably not. Not from us.”
If anyone fancies a crack at Orson Scott Card’s sci-fi novel, however, Chair’s all ears.
“If anyone decides they want to make it,” Mustard added, “I have some ideas I’d love to talk to them about.”
Chair’s just released Infinity Blade for iDevices, which appears to have made a super-ton of money.
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