ITV Player and 4OD now available on UK PS3s

By Patrick Garratt


You can now watch on-demand content from Channel 4 and ITV on your PS3 if you live in the UK. Let the good times roll.

It was reported this was happening this week yesterday. There’s nothing more to say. Sorry; apparently there is, as per the PS Blog:

To start watching, simply connect your PS3 to the Internet, sign into your PSN account and then select the TV icon on the XMB (Xross Media Bar) and opt for the ITV Network triangle or 4oD.

This will take you directly to the service where you can watch popular programmes from the last 30 days, free of charge.

Never miss your favourite programmes with ITV Player and 4oD on PS3.

So. Next year, then. Kind of wish it would hurry up.
