Kardashian Kredit Kard Kard Kanceled

C.J. Arabia

What has three heads, six boobs and wants to rob you blind?

That's right! The Kardashian sisters!

Those talentless publicity seekers got themselves in a lot of hot water with consumer groups for promoting their latest product: a pre-paid credit card with their crazy smiling faces plastered across the front.

The card was geared toward teens and came with some amazingly high, money sucking fees.

Luckily the nortoirously evil "Kardashian Kard" has been shut the F down.

The pre-paid Kardashian Kard was yanked off the market just three weeks after its launch on November 9th.

Why was the card such a big failure? Well the card or "kard" as they spell it, was such a total scam... Kardashians were charging $99.95 for 12 months use of the card when most cards like this charge about $10 a year. They were basically trying to rip off their fans.

Not only that, BUT the card had a monthly fee of $7.95... they were charging $1 every time you wanted to add money to the card, and $1.50 just to speak with a live operator. If you wanted to use the card to automatically pay your bills the Kardashians were charging $2 per transaction for that luxury. Don't they have enough money? Why do they need to rip off young consumers in the middle of the worst recession our country has ever seen?

Way to go KardASShian sisters. As if we weren't wow'd by your total lack of talent, your hideous fashion sense, or your narcisistic ramblings on our televison sets every day... you added insult to injury by trying to rip us all off. Good move!

What do you think about celebs cashing in on their young fans? Should there be a law against things like this?


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