The Elder Scrolls V confirmed for PC, PS3 and 360, will have new engine

By Patrick Garratt

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Bethesda’s now confirmed that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will release for PC, PS3 and 360 in a press release.

No platforms were confirmed in the game’s VGA reveal trailer last weekend.

In addition, the RPG is to be based on all-new tech, Bethesda’s confirmed in the wake of the RPG’s reveal at the VGAs this weekend.

Said Nick Brecon, Bethesda’s community manager, in a tweet:

We can now confirm that the TES V: Skyrim engine is all-new. And it looks fantastic.

Given that the Oblivion engine was generally bemoaned for being “glitchy,” the news will no doubt delight the many fantasy buffs still fitting over Sunday’s announcement.

And before you start assuming the update’s a bought-in affair, RPS got Brecon to assure it isn’t:

“It’s a new graphics/gameplay engine built internally. We’ll have more details down the road.”

The game, a direct sequel to Oblivion, is to launch on November 11, 2011. No platforms have been confirmed as yet.
