10 Sexiest Celebrity Tweeters

Julia Prescott

Twitter. The answer to what our favorite celebrities are doing, thinking, eating, etc and most likely a service we didn’t know we wanted, nonetheless needed. There are up’s and down’s to this new level of digital intimacy, but right now all I can focus on is the simple fact that I know what Nick Jonas is doing at any given point of the day. His use of this internet sensation has inspired me to gather all of the other sexy celeb’s that send out sweet tweets to the young and eager fans around the world. God bless them for it.


10. Ashton Kutcher @aplusk

Ashton Kutcher doesn’t seemed to have aged past 25, and that’s perfectly fine as long as he keeps tweeting random pics of his abs and leaks info on where he’s lunching that day. I’ll take that over the lonely murmurings of the annoying Secretary in my office, any day.


9. Josh Groban @joshgroban

My Mother’s convinced that I’m going to marry Josh Groban. This doesn’t make me feel weird, as I’m sure every Mother is secretly eyeing the prize that is Groban. Look - the man is pretty boyishly handsome, certainly enough to warrant hundreds of thousands of followers. Just don’t tell my Mom I said that.


8. Nick Jonas - @nickjonas

Look. Nick Jonas is beautiful. Nick Jonas is so beautiful that he doesn’t need to tweet anything more than, “Great night with friends!” or, “Just saw True Grit. Jeff Bridges is awesome!” Yes Nick, Jeff Bridges is awesome and so are you, the Dude abides.


7. Chris Colfer - @chriscolfer

We’ve been in need of a good young, gay icon for far too long now and the world couldn’t have asked for a better man in Chris Colfer, the stand-out of Fox’s Glee and the man who holds the key to my flamboyant heart. He’s not only dreamy to look at, but hilarious too! Read some of his tweets and dare to disagree with me.


6. Hugh Jackman - @RealHughJackman

I know what you’re thinking, “But Julia, he’s so old - this isn’t a list for my Mother, it’s a list for me.” Well, lemme tell you something: Hugh Jackman is so sexy he’s taught the younger generation how to be sexy while still maintaining a drop dead gorgeous physique. And that says something.


5. Shaun White - @Shaun_White

Where other celebrities bore us to tears with their “going to the market” tweets, Shaun takes twitter to the extreme. With Shaun you’ll not only get snapshots of bizarre Japanese treats, crazy pictures of snow-capped mountains, but also the occasional vanity shot of the man himself. Now I can get with that.


4. Elijah Wood - @woodelijah

Being one of the original “nerdy cute” Hollywood boys, it’s easy to read Elijah’s tweets and imagine yourself cuddled up to him, watching a Dr. Who marathon while he whispers sweet nothings to you in 140 characters or less.


3. Jimmy Fallon - @jimmyfallon

For those who love a quick laugh, Fallon’s twitter is a must. In his twitter feed you’ll find quippy one-liners, bits from his favorite moments during Late Night’s opening monologue as well as other lovely links and observations. It’s a perfect marriage of his geekiness and his adorableness.


2. Justin Timberlake - @jtimberlake

I’m going to be honest with you, I only follow JT with the hopes that he’ll decide to announce his latest album via twitter. Well, getting snapshots into his daily life really doesn’t hurt as a byproduct.


1. Justin Bieber - @justinbieber

Maybe I’m in Twitter denial in thinking that there aren’t a team of people behind the Biebs’ twitter account generating each snappy message, but I wanna believe. I wanna know that those short messages are going straight from the Biebs’ brain to my blackberry. A girl can dream, can’t she?


Check Out Justin Bieber Getting "Medicinal"!
