11 Highly Dangerous Alternative Activities


What are you gonna do this weekend? Feeling fearless, or maybe just tired of playing Black Ops all the time? We have some very dangerous activities for you to try out!


Base Jumping

Screw this meeting. I'm outta here!


Street Luging

The fastest way to remove most of your skin.


Shark Diving

Nom nom nom.


Jai alai

Oh Jai there!


Sky Diving

Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.





River rafting

Quick, let's get closer to those rocks! Fun!


Weight Lifting

Turns out weights are heavy.


Cave Diving

All the dangers of diving multiplied by all the dangers of caving.


Bull Riding

It's like driving a living steak!


Bull Fighting

The bull doesn't seem to be that into it.

Can you think of any other dangerous activities we missed?

